Source code for pyfstat.utils.sft

import logging
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple

import lalpulsar
import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_sft_as_arrays( sftfilepattern: str, fMin: Optional[float] = None, fMax: Optional[float] = None, constraints: Optional[lalpulsar.SFTConstraints] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Dict, Dict]: """ Read binary SFT files into NumPy arrays. Parameters ---------- sftfilepattern: Pattern to match SFTs using wildcards (`*?`) and ranges [0-9]; multiple patterns can be given separated by colons. fMin, fMax: Restrict frequency range to `[fMin, fMax]`. If None, retreive the full frequency range. constraints: Constrains to be fed into XLALSFTdataFind to specify detector, GPS time range or timestamps to be retrieved. Returns ---------- freqs: np.ndarray The frequency bins in each SFT. These will be the same for each SFT, so only a single 1D array is returned. times: Dict The SFT start times as a dictionary of 1D arrays, one for each detector. Keys correspond to the official detector names as returned by lalpulsar.ListIFOsInCatalog. data: Dict A dictionary of 2D arrays of the complex Fourier amplitudes of the SFT data for each detector in each frequency bin at each timestamp. Keys correspond to the official detector names as returned by lalpulsar.ListIFOsInCatalog. """ constraints = constraints or lalpulsar.SFTConstraints() if fMin is None and fMax is None: fMin = fMax = -1 elif fMin is None or fMax is None: raise ValueError("Need either none or both of fMin, fMax.") sft_catalog = lalpulsar.SFTdataFind(sftfilepattern, constraints) ifo_labels = lalpulsar.ListIFOsInCatalog(sft_catalog) f"Loading {sft_catalog.length} SFTs from {', '.join(}..." ) multi_sfts = lalpulsar.LoadMultiSFTs(sft_catalog, fMin, fMax) logger.debug("done!") times = {} amplitudes = {} old_frequencies = None for ind, ifo in enumerate( sfts =[ind] times[ifo] = np.array([sft.epoch.gpsSeconds for sft in]) amplitudes[ifo] = np.array([ for sft in]).T nbins, nsfts = amplitudes[ifo].shape logger.debug(f"{nsfts} retrieved from {ifo}.") f0 =[0].f0 df =[0].deltaF frequencies = np.linspace(f0, f0 + (nbins - 1) * df, nbins) if (old_frequencies is not None) and not np.allclose( frequencies, old_frequencies ): raise ValueError( f"Frequencies don't match between {[ind-1]} and {ifo}" ) old_frequencies = frequencies return frequencies, times, amplitudes
[docs]def get_commandline_from_SFTDescriptor(descriptor): """Extract a commandline from the 'comment' entry of a SFT descriptor. Most LALSuite SFT creation tools save their commandline into that entry, so we can extract it and reuse it to reproduce that data. Since lalapps 9.0.0 / lalpulsar 5.0.0 the relevant executables have been moved to lalpulsar, but we allow for lalapps backwards compatibility here, Parameters ---------- descriptor: SFTDescriptor Element of a `lalpulsar.SFTCatalog` structure. Returns ------- cmd: str A lalapps/lalpulsar commandline string, or an empty string if no match in comment. """ comment = getattr(descriptor, "comment", None) if comment is None: return "" comment_lines = comment.split("\n") # get the first line with the right substring # (iterate until it's found) return next( (line for line in comment_lines if "lalpulsar" in line or "lalapps" in line), "" )
[docs]def get_official_sft_filename( IFO, numSFTs, Tsft, tstart, duration, label=None, window_type=None, window_beta=None ): """Wrapper to XLALOfficialSFTFilename. Parameters ---------- IFO: str Two-char detector name, e.g. `H1`. numSFTs: int numSFTs number of SFTs in SFT-file Tsft: int time-baseline in (integer) seconds tstart: int GPS seconds of first SFT start time duration: int total time-spanned by all SFTs in seconds label: str or None optional 'Misc' entry in the SFT 'D' field window_type: str or None included for SFT-spec v3 forwards compatibility (see ); not implemented yet window_beta: float or None included for SFT-spec v3 forwards compatibility (see ); not implemented yet Returns ------- filename: str The canonical SFT file name for the input parameters. """ if window_type or window_beta: raise NotImplementedError( "The parameters 'window_type' and 'window_beta'" " are only included for SFT-spec v3 forwards compatibility" " and not yet implemented." ) return lalpulsar.OfficialSFTFilename( IFO[0], IFO[1], numSFTs, Tsft, tstart, duration, label, )