Source code for pyfstat.utils.atoms

import logging

import lalpulsar

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def extract_singleIFOmultiFatoms_from_multiAtoms( multiAtoms: lalpulsar.MultiFstatAtomVector, X: int ) -> lalpulsar.MultiFstatAtomVector: """Extract a length-1 MultiFstatAtomVector from a larger MultiFstatAtomVector. The result is needed as input to ``lalpulsar.ComputeTransientFstatMap`` in some places. The new object is freshly allocated, and we do a deep copy of the actual per-timestamp atoms. Parameters ------- multiAtoms: Fully allocated multi-detector struct of `length > X`. X: The detector index for which to extract atoms. Returns ------- singleIFOmultiFatoms: lalpulsar.MultiFstatAtomVector Length-1 MultiFstatAtomVector with only the data for detector `X`. """ if X >= multiAtoms.length: raise ValueError( f"Detector index {X} is out of range for multiAtoms of length {multiAtoms.length}." ) singleIFOmultiFatoms = lalpulsar.CreateMultiFstatAtomVector(1)[0] = lalpulsar.CreateFstatAtomVector([X].length ) # we deep-copy the entries of the atoms vector, # since just assigning the whole array can cause a segfault # from memory cleanup in looping over this function copy_FstatAtomVector([0],[X]) return singleIFOmultiFatoms
[docs]def copy_FstatAtomVector( dest: lalpulsar.FstatAtomVector, src: lalpulsar.FstatAtomVector ): """Deep-copy an FstatAtomVector with all its per-SFT FstatAtoms. The two vectors must have the same length, and the destination vector must already be allocated. Parameters ------- dest: The destination vector to copy to. Must already be allocated. Will be modified in-place. src: The source vector to copy from. """ if dest.length != src.length: raise ValueError( f"Lengths of destination and source vectors do not match. ({dest.length} != {src.length})" ) dest.TAtom = src.TAtom for k in range(dest.length): # this is now copying the actual FstatAtom object, # with its actual data in memory (no more pointers)[k] =[k]