Source code for pyfstat.injection_parameters

"""Generate injection parameters drawn from different prior populations"""
import functools
import logging
from import Mapping
from inspect import signature
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_pyfstat_custom_priors = {}

[docs]def custom_prior(prior_function: Callable) -> Callable: """ Intended to be used as a decorator to add custom functions to the list of available priors for ``InjectionParametersGenerator``. For example:: @pyfstat.custom_prior def negative_log_uniform(generator, size): return -10**(generator.uniform(size=size)) will add the key ``negative_log_uniform`` to ``_pyfstat_custom_priors`` with said function as the corresponding value. A function decorated with ``custom_prior`` *must* take ``generator`` and ``size`` as keyword arguments; otherwise, a ``TypeError`` will be raised. Additional arguments can be provided as needed. See docstring of :func:`~pyfstat.injection_parameters.InjectionParametersGenerator` for an example on how to draw samples from a custom prior. Parameters ---------- prior_function: Function to be added into ``_pyfstat_custom_priors`` with a key corresponding *exactly* to the name it was given at definition time. Returns ------- prior_function: Callable Same function as the input function. """ function_name = f"{prior_function.__name__}" if function_name in _pyfstat_custom_priors: raise ValueError( f"Custom prior `{function_name}` already defined in " "`pyfstat._pyfstat_custom_priors.` " "Please, use a different function name" ) function_signature = signature(prior_function) if any( required_kwarg not in function_signature.parameters for required_kwarg in ["generator", "size"] ): raise TypeError( f"Custom prior function `{function_name}` must accept" " `generator` and `size` as keyword arguments." " Please, make sure your custom prior follows" " the signature specified in this functions docstring." ) _pyfstat_custom_priors[function_name] = prior_function return prior_function
""" standard choices for angle ranges We are following here R. Prix: """ isotropic_amplitude_distribution = { "cosi": {"stats.uniform": {"loc": -1.0, "scale": 2.0}}, "psi": {"stats.uniform": {"loc": -0.25 * np.pi, "scale": 0.5 * np.pi}}, "phi": {"stats.uniform": {"loc": 0, "scale": 2 * np.pi}}, }
[docs]@custom_prior def uniform_sky_declination(generator: np.random.Generator, size: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Return declination values such that, when paired with right ascension values sampled uniformly along [0, 2*pi], the resulting pairs of samples are uniformly distributed on the 2-sphere. Parameters ---------- generator: As required by InjectionParametersGenerator. size: As required by InjectionParameterGenerator. Gets passed directly as a kwargs to ``generator``'s methods. Returns ------- declination: np.ndarray Declination value distributed """ return np.arcsin(generator.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0, size=size))
[docs]class InjectionParametersGenerator: """ Draw injection parameter samples from priors and return in dictionary format. Parameters ---------- priors: Each key refers to one of the signal's parameters (following the PyFstat convention). Each parameter's prior should be given as a dictionary entry as follows: ``{"parameter": {"<function>": {**kwargs}}}`` where <function> may be (exclusively) either a user-defined function decorated with ``@custom_prior`` or the name of a ``scipy.stats`` random variable. * | If a user-defined function is used, such a function *must* take | a ``generator`` kwarg as one of its arguments and use such a generator | (``np.random.Generator`` type) | to generate any required random number within the function. | The ``generator`` kwarg is *required* regardless of whether this is a | deterministic or random function. | For example, a negative log-distributed random number could be constructed as :: import pyfstat @pyfstat.injection_parameters.custom_prior def negative_log_uniform(generator, size): return -10**(generator.uniform(size=size)) priors = {"my_parameter": {"negative_log_uniform": {}}} ipg = pyfstat.InjectionParametersGenerator(priors=priors, seed=42) ipg.draw() * | If a ``scipy.stats`` function is used, it *must* be given as ``stats.*`` | (i.e. the ``stats`` namespace should be explicitly included). | For example, a uniform prior between 3 and 5 would be written as | ``{"parameter": {"stats.uniform": {"loc": 3, "scale": 5}}}``. :: import pyfstat priors = {"my_parameter": "stats.uniform": {"loc": 3, "scale": 5}} ipg = pyfstat.InjectionParametersGenerator(priors=priors, seed=42) ipg.draw() Delta-priors (i.e. priors for a determinisitic output) can also be specified by giving the fixed value to be returned as-is. For example, specifying a fixed value of 1 for the parameter ``A`` would be ``{"A": 1}``. Alternatively, the following three options, which were recommended on a previous release, are still a valid input. They will be used as a fall-back if none of the two previous options are matched, but their use is highly discouraged for newly produced code. 1. Callable without required arguments: ``{"ParameterA": np.random.uniform}``. 2. Dictionary with a numpy.random distribution as key and its corresponding kwargs in a dict as value (mind that this is formally the same dict structure as when using a ``"stats.*"`` distribution with the new syntax): ``{"ParameterA": {"uniform": {"low": 0, "high":1}}}``. Note, however, that these options are deprecated and will be removed in a future PyFstat release. These old options do not follow completely the current way of specifying seeds in this class. generator: Numpy random number generator (e.g. ``np.random.default_rng``) which will be used to draw random numbers from. Conflicts with ``seed``. seed: Random seed to create instantiate ``np.random.default_rng`` from scratch. Conflicts with ``generator``. If neither ``seed`` nor ``generator`` are given, a random number generator will be instantiated using ``seed=None`` and a warning will be thrown. """ def __init__( self, priors: dict, seed: Optional[int] = None, generator: Optional[np.random.Generator] = None, ): self._parse_generator(seed=seed, generator=generator) self._parse_priors(priors) def _parse_generator( self, seed: Optional[int], generator: Optional[np.random.Generator] ): if (seed is not None) and (generator is not None): raise ValueError( "Incompatible inputs: please, " "use either a `seed` or an already initialized `np.random.Generator`" ) if (not seed) and (not generator): "No `generator` or `seed` was provided." f" Will use default `np.random.default_rng({seed})`" ) self._rng = generator or np.random.default_rng(seed) def _deprecated_prior_parsing(self, parameter_prior) -> Dict: # FIXME: Will be removed in a future release rng_function_name = next(iter(parameter_prior)) rng_function = getattr(self._rng, rng_function_name) rng_kwargs = parameter_prior[rng_function_name] return functools.partial(rng_function, **rng_kwargs) def _parse_priors(self, priors_input_format: dict): """Internal method to do the actual prior setup.""" self.priors = {} for parameter_name, parameter_prior in priors_input_format.items(): if callable(parameter_prior): # FIXME Deprecated, to be removed on a future release. logger.warning( f"Parameter `{parameter_name}`'s prior was specified as a callable, " "which is not covered by the current implementation of RNGs " "and hence will not make use of the specified seed. " "Please, beware of the new implementation of parameter priors. " "This will raise an error in the future." ) self.priors[parameter_name] = lambda size, p=parameter_prior: np.array( [p() for s in range(size)] ) continue if not isinstance(parameter_prior, Mapping): # If not dictionary, then return as is self.priors[ parameter_name ] = lambda size, val=parameter_prior: np.repeat(val, repeats=size) continue if len(parameter_prior) > 1: raise ValueError( f"{parameter_prior} does not follow" " the required format to specify a prior" " as the inner dictionary contains more than one key." " Please, specify a parameter's distribution as" " `{'parameter_name': {'parameter_distro': {**distro_kwargs}}}`." ) distribution = next(iter(parameter_prior)) if not isinstance(distribution, str): raise ValueError( "Prior distribution's key should be a string." f" Got {type(distribution)}`" ) if distribution in _pyfstat_custom_priors: logger.debug( f"Setting {distribution} distribution from `_pyfstat_custom_priors` " f"with kwargs `{parameter_prior[distribution]}` " f"to parameter {parameter_name}" ) custom_function = _pyfstat_custom_priors[distribution] self.priors[parameter_name] = functools.partial( custom_function, generator=self._rng, **parameter_prior[distribution], ) elif "stats." in distribution: _, stats_function = distribution.split(".") logger.debug( f"Setting {stats_function} distribution from `scipy.stats` " f"with kwargs `{parameter_prior[distribution]}` " f"to parameter {parameter_name}" ) rv_object = getattr(stats, stats_function)( **parameter_prior[distribution] ) rv_object.random_state = self._rng self.priors[parameter_name] = rv_object.rvs else: # FIXME Deprecated, to be removed on a future release. logger.warning( f"Distribution `{distribution}` not found in " "`_pyfstat_custom_priors` or `scipy.stats` namespace. " "Current custom distributions are " f"`{list(_pyfstat_custom_priors.keys())}`. " "Please, make sure to follow the proper rules to specify " "a prior distribution." ) logger.warning( f"Parsing parameter `{parameter_name}` using a deprecated API. " "This will raise an error in the future." ) self.priors[parameter_name] = self._deprecated_prior_parsing( parameter_prior ) continue
[docs] def draw(self) -> Dict: """Draw a single multi-dimensional parameter space point from the given priors. Returns ------- parameters: Dict Dictionary of parameter values (one value each). Each key corresponds to that found in ``self.priors``. """ return { parameter_name: parameter_prior(size=1)[0] for parameter_name, parameter_prior in self.priors.items() }
[docs] def draw_many(self, size) -> Dict: """Draw ``size`` multi-dimensional parameter space points from the given priors. Parameters ---------- size: Number of samples to return. Returns ------- parameters: Dict Dictionary of arrays. Each key corresponds to that found in ``self.priors``. Values are numpy arrays of shape ``size`` as returned by their corresponding method. """ return { parameter_name: parameter_prior(size=size) for parameter_name, parameter_prior in self.priors.items() }
[docs]class AllSkyInjectionParametersGenerator(InjectionParametersGenerator): """ Draw injection parameter samples from priors and return in dictionary format. This class works in exactly the same way as ``InjectionParametersGenerator``, but including by default two extra keys, ``Alpha`` and ``Delta`` (sky position's right ascension and declination in radians), which are sample isotropically across the celestial sphere. `Alpha`'s distribution is Uniform(0, 2 pi), and `sin(Delta)`'s distribution is Uniform(-1, 1). """ def __init__( self, priors: Optional[dict] = None, seed: Optional[int] = None, generator: Optional[np.random.Generator] = None, ): priors = priors or {} sky_priors = { "Alpha": {"stats.uniform": {"loc": 0.0, "scale": 2 * np.pi}}, "Delta": {"uniform_sky_declination": {}}, } for key in sky_priors: if key in priors: logger.warning( f"Found input key `{key}` with value {priors[key]}.\n" "Overwriting to produce uniform samples across the sky." ) super().__init__( priors={**priors, **sky_priors}, seed=seed, generator=generator )
deprecated_vars = { "isotropic_amplitude_priors": "isotropic_amplitude_distribution", } def __getattr__(var_name): current_module = __import__(__name__) if var_name not in deprecated_vars: return getattr(current_module, var_name) current_name = deprecated_vars[var_name] logger.warning( f"Variable `{var_name}` is deprecated" " and will be removed in a future release." f" Please use `{current_name}` for any new code." ) return getattr(current_module, current_name)