Source code for pyfstat.injection_parameters

"""Generate injection parameters drawn from different prior populations"""
import functools
import logging
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from attrs import Factory, define, field

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

isotropic_amplitude_priors = {
    "cosi": {"uniform": {"low": -1.0, "high": 1.0}},
    "psi": {"uniform": {"low": -0.25 * np.pi, "high": 0.25 * np.pi}},
    "phi": {"uniform": {"low": 0, "high": 2 * np.pi}},

[docs]@define(kw_only=True, slots=False) class InjectionParametersGenerator: """ Draw injection parameter samples from priors and return in dictionary format. Parameters ---------- priors: dict Each key refers to one of the signal's parameters (following the PyFstat convention). Priors can be given as values in three formats (by order of evaluation): 1. Callable without required arguments: `{"ParameterA": np.random.uniform}`. 2. Dict containing numpy.random distribution as key and kwargs in a dict as value: `{"ParameterA": {"uniform": {"low": 0, "high":1}}}`. 3. Constant value to be returned as is: `{"ParameterA": 1.0}`. seed: None, int Argument to be fed to numpy.random.default_rng, with all of its accepted types. _rng: np.random.Generator Alternatively, this class accepts an already-initialized np.Generator, in which case the `seed` argument will be ignored. """ seed: Union[None, int] = field(default=None) _rng: np.random.Generator = field( default=Factory(lambda self: np.random.default_rng(self.seed), takes_self=True) ) priors: dict = field(factory=dict) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.priors = self._parse_priors(self.priors) def _parse_priors(self, priors_input_format): """Internal method to do the actual prior setup.""" priors = {} for parameter_name, parameter_prior in priors_input_format.items(): if callable(parameter_prior): priors[parameter_name] = parameter_prior elif isinstance(parameter_prior, dict): rng_function_name = next(iter(parameter_prior)) rng_function = getattr(self._rng, rng_function_name) rng_kwargs = parameter_prior[rng_function_name] priors[parameter_name] = functools.partial(rng_function, **rng_kwargs) else: # Assume it is something to be returned as is priors[parameter_name] = functools.partial(lambda x: x, parameter_prior) return priors
[docs] def draw(self): """Draw a single multi-dimensional parameter space point from the given priors. Returns ---------- injection_parameters: dict Dictionary with parameter names as keys and their numeric values. """ injection_parameters = { parameter_name: parameter_prior() for parameter_name, parameter_prior in self.priors.items() } return injection_parameters
[docs]class AllSkyInjectionParametersGenerator(InjectionParametersGenerator): """ Draw injection parameter samples from priors and return in dictionary format. This class works in exactly the same way as `InjectionParametersGenerator`, but including by default two extra keys, `Alpha` and `Delta` (sky position's right ascension and declination in radians), which are sample isotropically across the celesetial sphere. `Alpha`'s distribution is Uniform(0, 2 pi), and `sin(Delta)`'s distribution is Uniform(-1, 1). The only reason this class exists is because, using the notation we specified in the base class, there is no way to generate arcsine distributed numbers using a specific seed, as numpy does not have such a number generator and hence has to be constructed by applying a function to a uniform number. """ def _parse_priors(self, priors_input_format): sky_priors = { "Alpha": lambda: self._rng.uniform(low=0.0, high=2 * np.pi), "Delta": lambda: np.arcsin(self._rng.uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0)), } for key in sky_priors: if key in priors_input_format: logger.warning( f"Found {key} key in input priors with value {priors_input_format[key]}.\n" "Overwritting to produce uniform samples across the sky." ) priors_input_format[key] = sky_priors[key] return super()._parse_priors(priors_input_format)