Source code for pyfstat.utils.ephemeris

import logging
import os

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_ephemeris_files(): """Set the ephemeris files to use for the Earth and Sun. This looks first for a configuration file `~/.pyfstat.conf` giving individual earth/sun file paths like this: ``` earth_ephem = '/my/path/earth00-40-DE405.dat.gz' sun_ephem = '/my/path/sun00-40-DE405.dat.gz' ``` If such a file is not found or does not conform to that format, then we rely on lal's recently improved ability to find proper default fallback paths for the `[earth/sun]00-40-DE405` ephemerides with both pip- and conda-installed packages, Alternatively, ephemeris options can be set manually on each class instantiation. NOTE that the `$LALPULSAR_DATADIR` environment variable is no longer supported! Returns ---------- earth_ephem, sun_ephem: str Paths of the two files containing positions of Earth and Sun. """ config_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".pyfstat.conf") ephem_version = "DE405" earth_ephem = f"earth00-40-{ephem_version}.dat.gz" sun_ephem = f"sun00-40-{ephem_version}.dat.gz" please = "Will fall back to lal's automatic path resolution for files" please += f" [{earth_ephem},{sun_ephem}]." please += " Alternatively, set 'earth_ephem' and 'sun_ephem' class options." if os.path.isfile(config_file): d = {} with open(config_file, "r") as f: for line in f: k, v = line.split("=") k = k.replace(" ", "") for item in [" ", "'", '"', "\n"]: v = v.replace(item, "") d[k] = v try: earth_ephem = d["earth_ephem"] sun_ephem = d["sun_ephem"] except KeyError: logger.warning(f"No [earth/sun]_ephem found in {config_file}. {please}") else:"No {config_file} file found. {please}") return earth_ephem, sun_ephem