Randomly sampling parameter space points

Application of dedicated classes to sample software injection parameters according to the specified parameter space priors.

  8 import os
 10 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 11 import numpy as np
 13 from pyfstat import (
 14     AllSkyInjectionParametersGenerator,
 15     InjectionParametersGenerator,
 16     Writer,
 17 )
 19 label = "PyFstat_example_InjectionParametersGenerator"
 20 outdir = os.path.join("PyFstat_example_data", label)
 22 # Properties of the GW data
 23 gw_data = {
 24     "sqrtSX": 1e-23,
 25     "tstart": 1000000000,
 26     "duration": 86400,
 27     "detectors": "H1,L1",
 28     "Band": 1,
 29     "Tsft": 1800,
 30 }
 32 print("Drawing random signal parameters...")
 34 # Draw random signal phase parameters.
 35 # The AllSkyInjectionParametersGenerator covers [Alpha,Delta] priors automatically.
 36 # The rest can be a mix of nontrivial prior distributions and fixed values.
 37 phase_params_generator = AllSkyInjectionParametersGenerator(
 38     priors={
 39         "F0": {"uniform": {"low": 29.0, "high": 31.0}},
 40         "F1": -1e-10,
 41         "F2": 0,
 42     },
 43     seed=23,
 44 )
 45 phase_parameters = phase_params_generator.draw()
 46 phase_parameters["tref"] = gw_data["tstart"]
 48 # Draw random signal amplitude parameters.
 49 # Here we use the plain InjectionParametersGenerator class.
 50 amplitude_params_generator = InjectionParametersGenerator(
 51     priors={
 52         "h0": {"normal": {"loc": 1e-24, "scale": 1e-24}},
 53         "cosi": {"uniform": {"low": 0.0, "high": 1.0}},
 54         "phi": {"uniform": {"low": 0.0, "high": 2 * np.pi}},
 55         "psi": {"uniform": {"low": 0.0, "high": np.pi}},
 56     },
 57     seed=42,
 58 )
 59 amplitude_parameters = amplitude_params_generator.draw()
 61 # Now we can pass the parameter dictionaries to the Writer class and make SFTs.
 62 data = Writer(
 63     label=label,
 64     outdir=outdir,
 65     **gw_data,
 66     **phase_parameters,
 67     **amplitude_parameters,
 68 )
 69 data.make_data()
 71 # Now we draw many phase parameters and check the sky distribution
 72 Ndraws = 10000
 73 phase_parameters = [phase_params_generator.draw() for n in range(Ndraws)]
 74 Alphas = np.array([p["Alpha"] for p in phase_parameters])
 75 Deltas = np.array([p["Delta"] for p in phase_parameters])
 76 plotfile = os.path.join(outdir, label + "_allsky.png")
 77 print(f"Plotting sky distribution of {Ndraws} points to file: {plotfile}")
 78 plt.subplot(111, projection="aitoff")
 79 plt.plot(Alphas - np.pi, Deltas, ".", markersize=1)
 80 plt.savefig(plotfile, dpi=300)
 81 plt.close()
 82 plotfile = os.path.join(outdir, label + "_alpha_hist.png")
 83 print(f"Plotting Alpha distribution of {Ndraws} points to file: {plotfile}")
 84 plt.hist(Alphas, 50)
 85 plt.xlabel("Alpha")
 86 plt.ylabel("draws")
 87 plt.savefig(plotfile, dpi=100)
 88 plt.close()
 89 plotfile = os.path.join(outdir, label + "_delta_hist.png")
 90 print(f"Plotting Delta distribution of {Ndraws} points to file: {plotfile}")
 91 plt.hist(Deltas, 50)
 92 plt.xlabel("Delta")
 93 plt.ylabel("draws")
 94 plt.savefig(plotfile, dpi=100)
 95 plt.close()
 96 plotfile = os.path.join(outdir, label + "_sindelta_hist.png")
 97 print(f"Plotting sin(Delta) distribution of {Ndraws} points to file: {plotfile}")
 98 plt.hist(np.sin(Deltas), 50)
 99 plt.xlabel("sin(Delta)")
100 plt.ylabel("draws")
101 plt.savefig(plotfile, dpi=100)
102 plt.close()

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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