Directed grid search: Monochromatic source

Search for a monochromatic (no spindown) signal using a parameter space grid (i.e. no MCMC).

  8 import os
 10 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 11 import numpy as np
 13 import pyfstat
 15 label = "PyFstat_example_grid_search_F0"
 16 outdir = os.path.join("PyFstat_example_data", label)
 18 # Properties of the GW data
 19 sqrtS = "1e-23"
 20 IFOs = "H1"
 21 # IFOs = "H1,L1"
 22 sqrtSX = ",".join(np.repeat(sqrtS, len(IFOs.split(","))))
 23 tstart = 1000000000
 24 duration = 100 * 86400
 25 tend = tstart + duration
 26 tref = 0.5 * (tstart + tend)
 28 # parameters for injected signals
 29 depth = 70
 30 inj = {
 31     "tref": tref,
 32     "F0": 30.0,
 33     "F1": 0,
 34     "F2": 0,
 35     "Alpha": 1.0,
 36     "Delta": 1.5,
 37     "h0": float(sqrtS) / depth,
 38     "cosi": 0.0,
 39 }
 41 data = pyfstat.Writer(
 42     label=label,
 43     outdir=outdir,
 44     tstart=tstart,
 45     duration=duration,
 46     sqrtSX=sqrtSX,
 47     detectors=IFOs,
 48     **inj,
 49 )
 50 data.make_data()
 52 m = 0.001
 53 dF0 = np.sqrt(12 * m) / (np.pi * duration)
 54 DeltaF0 = 800 * dF0
 55 F0s = [inj["F0"] - DeltaF0 / 2.0, inj["F0"] + DeltaF0 / 2.0, dF0]
 56 F1s = [inj["F1"]]
 57 F2s = [inj["F2"]]
 58 Alphas = [inj["Alpha"]]
 59 Deltas = [inj["Delta"]]
 60 search = pyfstat.GridSearch(
 61     label=label,
 62     outdir=outdir,
 63     sftfilepattern=os.path.join(outdir, "*" + label + "*sft"),
 64     F0s=F0s,
 65     F1s=F1s,
 66     F2s=F2s,
 67     Alphas=Alphas,
 68     Deltas=Deltas,
 69     tref=tref,
 70     minStartTime=tstart,
 71     maxStartTime=tend,
 72 )
 75 # report details of the maximum point
 76 max_dict = search.get_max_twoF()
 77 print(
 78     "max2F={:.4f} from GridSearch, offsets from injection: {:s}.".format(
 79         max_dict["twoF"],
 80         ", ".join(
 81             [
 82                 "{:.4e} in {:s}".format(max_dict[key] - inj[key], key)
 83                 for key in max_dict.keys()
 84                 if not key == "twoF"
 85             ]
 86         ),
 87     )
 88 )
 89 search.generate_loudest()
 91 print("Plotting 2F(F0)...")
 92 fig, ax = plt.subplots()
 93 frequencies =["F0"]
 94 twoF =["twoF"]
 95 # mismatch = np.sign(x-inj["F0"])*(duration * np.pi * (x - inj["F0"]))**2 / 12.0
 96 ax.plot(frequencies, twoF, "k", lw=1)
 97 DeltaF = frequencies - inj["F0"]
 98 sinc = np.sin(np.pi * DeltaF * duration) / (np.pi * DeltaF * duration)
 99 A = np.abs((np.max(twoF) - 4) * sinc**2 + 4)
100 ax.plot(frequencies, A, "-r", lw=1)
101 ax.set_ylabel("$\\widetilde{2\\mathcal{F}}$")
102 ax.set_xlabel("Frequency")
103 ax.set_xlim(F0s[0], F0s[1])
104 dF0 = np.sqrt(12 * 1) / (np.pi * duration)
105 xticks = [inj["F0"] - 10 * dF0, inj["F0"], inj["F0"] + 10 * dF0]
106 ax.set_xticks(xticks)
107 xticklabels = ["$f_0 {-} 10\\Delta f$", "$f_0$", "$f_0 {+} 10\\Delta f$"]
108 ax.set_xticklabels(xticklabels)
109 plt.tight_layout()
110 fig.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, label + "_1D.png"), dpi=300)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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