MCMC search: Semicoherent F-statistic

Directed MCMC search for an isolated CW signal using the semicoherent F-statistic.

  8 import os
 10 import numpy as np
 12 import pyfstat
 14 label = "PyFstat_example_semi_coherent_MCMC_search"
 15 outdir = os.path.join("PyFstat_example_data", label)
 17 # Properties of the GW data
 18 data_parameters = {
 19     "sqrtSX": 1e-23,
 20     "tstart": 1000000000,
 21     "duration": 100 * 86400,
 22     "detectors": "H1",
 23 }
 24 tend = data_parameters["tstart"] + data_parameters["duration"]
 25 mid_time = 0.5 * (data_parameters["tstart"] + tend)
 27 # Properties of the signal
 28 depth = 10
 29 signal_parameters = {
 30     "F0": 30.0,
 31     "F1": -1e-10,
 32     "F2": 0,
 33     "Alpha": np.radians(83.6292),
 34     "Delta": np.radians(22.0144),
 35     "tref": mid_time,
 36     "h0": data_parameters["sqrtSX"] / depth,
 37     "cosi": 1.0,
 38 }
 40 data = pyfstat.Writer(
 41     label=label, outdir=outdir, **data_parameters, **signal_parameters
 42 )
 43 data.make_data()
 45 # The predicted twoF, given by lalapps_predictFstat can be accessed by
 46 twoF = data.predict_fstat()
 47 print("Predicted twoF value: {}\n".format(twoF))
 49 DeltaF0 = 1e-7
 50 DeltaF1 = 1e-13
 51 VF0 = (np.pi * data_parameters["duration"] * DeltaF0) ** 2 / 3.0
 52 VF1 = (np.pi * data_parameters["duration"] ** 2 * DeltaF1) ** 2 * 4 / 45.0
 53 print("\nV={:1.2e}, VF0={:1.2e}, VF1={:1.2e}\n".format(VF0 * VF1, VF0, VF1))
 55 theta_prior = {
 56     "F0": {
 57         "type": "unif",
 58         "lower": signal_parameters["F0"] - DeltaF0 / 2.0,
 59         "upper": signal_parameters["F0"] + DeltaF0 / 2.0,
 60     },
 61     "F1": {
 62         "type": "unif",
 63         "lower": signal_parameters["F1"] - DeltaF1 / 2.0,
 64         "upper": signal_parameters["F1"] + DeltaF1 / 2.0,
 65     },
 66 }
 67 for key in "F2", "Alpha", "Delta":
 68     theta_prior[key] = signal_parameters[key]
 70 ntemps = 1
 71 log10beta_min = -1
 72 nwalkers = 100
 73 nsteps = [300, 300]
 75 mcmc = pyfstat.MCMCSemiCoherentSearch(
 76     label=label,
 77     outdir=outdir,
 78     nsegs=10,
 79     sftfilepattern=os.path.join(outdir, "*{}*sft".format(label)),
 80     theta_prior=theta_prior,
 81     tref=mid_time,
 82     minStartTime=data_parameters["tstart"],
 83     maxStartTime=tend,
 84     nsteps=nsteps,
 85     nwalkers=nwalkers,
 86     ntemps=ntemps,
 87     log10beta_min=log10beta_min,
 88 )
 89 mcmc.transform_dictionary = dict(
 90     F0=dict(subtractor=signal_parameters["F0"], symbol="$f-f^\\mathrm{s}$"),
 91     F1=dict(
 92         subtractor=signal_parameters["F1"], symbol="$\\dot{f}-\\dot{f}^\\mathrm{s}$"
 93     ),
 94 )
 96     walker_plot_args={"plot_det_stat": True, "injection_parameters": signal_parameters}
 97 )
 98 mcmc.print_summary()
 99 mcmc.plot_corner(add_prior=True, truths=signal_parameters)
100 mcmc.plot_prior_posterior(injection_parameters=signal_parameters)
101 mcmc.plot_chainconsumer(truth=signal_parameters)
102 mcmc.plot_cumulative_max(
103     savefig=True,
104     custom_ax_kwargs={"title": "Cumulative 2F for the best MCMC candidate"},
105 )

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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