Source code for pyfstat.snr

import logging
from typing import Union

import lal
import lalpulsar
import numpy as np
from attrs import define, field

from pyfstat.helper_functions import get_ephemeris_files

[docs]@define(kw_only=True, slots=False) class SignalToNoiseRatio: r"""Compute the optimal SNR of a CW signal as expected in Gaussian noise. The definition of SNR (shortcut for "optimal signal-to-noise ratio") is taken from Eq. (76) of and is such that :math:`\langle 2\mathcal{F}\rangle = 4 + \textrm{SNR}^2`, where :math:`\langle 2\mathcal{F}\rangle` represents the expected value over noise realizations of twice the F-statistic of a template perfectly matched to an existing signal in the data. Computing :math:`\textrm{SNR}^2` requires two quantities: * | The antenna pattern matrix :math:`\mathcal{M}`, which depends on the sky position :math:`\vec{n}` | and polarization angle :math:`\psi` and encodes the effect of the detector's antenna pattern response | over the course of the observing run. * | The JKS amplitude parameters :math:`(\mathcal{A}^0, \mathcal{A}^1, \mathcal{A}^2, \mathcal{A}^3)` | [JKS1998]_ which are functions of the CW's amplitude parameters :math:`(h_0,\cos\iota, \psi, \phi_0)` or, | alternatively, :math:`(A_{+}, A_{\times}, \psi, \phi_0)`. .. [JKS1998] `Jaranowski, Krolak, Schuz Phys. Rev. D58 063001, 1998 <>`_ Parameters ---------- detector_states: lalpulsar.MultiDetectorStateSeries MultiDetectorStateSeries as produced by DetectorStates. Provides the required information to compute the antenna pattern contribution. noise_weights: Union[lalpulsar.MultiNoiseWeights, None] Optional, incompatible with `assumeSqrtSX`. Can be computed from SFTs using `SignalToNoiseRatio.from_sfts`. Noise weights to account for a varying noise floor or unequal noise floors in different detectors. assumeSqrtSX: float Optional, incompatible with `noise_weights`. Single-sided amplitude spectral density (ASD) of the detector noise. This value is used for all detectors, meaning it's not currently possible to manually specify different noise floors without creating SFT files. (To be improved in the future; developer note: will require SWIG constructor for MultiNoiseWeights.) """ detector_states: lalpulsar.MultiDetectorStateSeries = field() noise_weights: Union[lalpulsar.MultiNoiseWeights, None] = field(default=None) assumeSqrtSX: float = field(default=None) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.Tsft =[0].deltaT # FIXME: There has to be a simpler logic for this if self.noise_weights is None: if self.assumeSqrtSX is not None: self.Sinv_Tsft = self.Tsft / self.assumeSqrtSX**2 else: raise ValueError( "Need either `assumeSqrtSX` or `noise_weights` to account for background noise" ) elif self.assumeSqrtSX is not None: raise ValueError( "Need either `assumeSqrtSX` or `noise_weights` to account for background noise" )
[docs] @classmethod def from_sfts( cls, F0, sftfilepath, time_offset=None, running_median_window=lalpulsar.FstatOptionalArgsDefaults.runningMedianWindow, sft_constraint=None, ): """ Alternative constructor to retrieve detector states and noise weights from SFT files. This method is based on :py:meth:`DetectorStates.multi_detector_states_from_sfts`. This is currently the other way in which varying / different noise floors can be used when computing SNRs. Parameters ---------- F0: float Central frequency [Hz] to retrieve from the SFT files to compute noise weights. sftfilepath: str Path to SFT files in a format compatible with XLALSFTdataFind. time_offset: float Timestamp offset to retrieve detector states. Defaults to LALSuite's default of using the central time of an STF (SFT's timestamp + Tsft/2). running_median_window: int Window used to compute the running-median noise floor estimation. Default value is consistent with that used in lalapps_PredictFstat. sft_constraint: lalpulsar.SFTConstraint Optional argument to specify further constraints in XLALSFTdataFind. """ ( detector_states, multi_sfts, ) = DetectorStates().get_multi_detector_states_from_sfts( sftfilepath=sftfilepath, central_frequency=F0, frequency_wing_bins=running_median_window // 2 + 10, # PredictFstat.c:Line 414 time_offset=time_offset, sft_constraint=sft_constraint, return_sfts=True, ) multi_rng_med = lalpulsar.NormalizeMultiSFTVect( multi_sfts, running_median_window, None ) noise_weights = lalpulsar.ComputeMultiNoiseWeights( multi_rng_med, running_median_window, 0 ) return cls(detector_states=detector_states, noise_weights=noise_weights)
[docs] def compute_snr2( self, Alpha, Delta, psi, phi0, h0=None, cosi=None, aPlus=None, aCross=None ): r""" Compute the :math:`\textrm{SNR}^2` of a CW signal using XLALComputeOptimalSNR2FromMmunu. Parameters correspond to the standard ones used to describe a CW (see e.g. Eqs. (16), (26), (30) of ). Mind that this function returns *squared* SNR (Eq. (76) of ), which can be directly related to the expected F-statistic as :math:`\langle 2\mathcal{F}\rangle = 4 + \textrm{SNR}^2`. Parameters ---------- Alpha: float Right ascension (equatorial longitude) of the signal in radians. Delta: float Declination (equatorial latitude) of the signal in radians. psi: float Polarization angle. h0: float Nominal GW amplitude. Must be given together with `cosi` and conflicts with `aPlus` and `aCross`. cosi: float Cosine of the source inclination w.r.t. line of sight. Must be given together with `h0` and conflicts with `aPlus` and `aCross`. aPlus: float Plus polarization amplitude. Must be given with `aCross` and conflicts with `h0` and `cosi`. aCross: float Cross polarization amplitude. Must be given with `aPlus` and conflicts with `h0` and `cosi`. Returns ------- SNR^2: float Squared signal-to-noise ratio of a CW signal consistent with the specified parameters in the specified detector network. """ aPlus, aCross = self._convert_amplitude_parameters( h0=h0, cosi=cosi, aPlus=aPlus, aCross=aCross ) Aphys = lalpulsar.PulsarAmplitudeParams() Aphys.psi = psi Aphys.phi0 = phi0 Aphys.aPlus = aPlus Aphys.aCross = aCross M = self.compute_Mmunu(Alpha=Alpha, Delta=Delta) return lalpulsar.ComputeOptimalSNR2FromMmunu(Aphys, M)
[docs] def compute_twoF(self, *args, **kwargs): r""" Compute the expected :math:`2\mathcal{F}` value of a CW signal from the result of `compute_snr2`. .. math:: \langle 2\mathcal{F}\rangle = 4 + \textrm{SNR}^2 .. math:: \sigma_{\2\mathcal{F}} = \sqrt{8 + 4 \textrm{SNR}^2} Input parameters are passed untouched to `self.compute_snr2`. See corresponding docstring for a list of valid parameters. Returns ------- expected_2F: Expected value of a non-central chi-squared distribution with four degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter given by SNR^2. stdev_2F: Standard deviation of a non-central chi-squared distribution with four degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter given by SNR^2. """ snr2 = self.compute_snr2(*args, **kwargs) expected_2F = snr2 + 4.0 stdev_2F = np.sqrt(8.0 + 4.0 * snr2) return expected_2F, stdev_2F
[docs] def compute_Mmunu(self, Alpha, Delta): """ Compute Mmunu matrix at a specific sky position using the detector states (and possible noise weights) given at initialization time. If no noise weigths were given, unit weights are assumed. Parameters ---------- Alpha: float Right ascension (equatorial longitude) of the signal in radians. Delta: float Declination (equatorial latitude) of the signal in radians. Returns ------- Mmunu: lalpulsar.AntennaPatternMatrix Mmunu matrix encoding the response of the given detector network to a CW at the specified sky position. """ sky = lal.SkyPosition() sky.longitude = Alpha sky.latitude = Delta sky.system = lal.COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL lal.NormalizeSkyPosition(sky.longitude, sky.latitude) Mmunu = lalpulsar.ComputeMultiAMCoeffs( multiDetStates=self.detector_states, multiWeights=self.noise_weights, skypos=sky, ).Mmunu if self.noise_weights is None: Mmunu.Sinv_Tsft = self.Sinv_Tsft return Mmunu
def _convert_amplitude_parameters(self, h0, cosi, aPlus, aCross): """ Internal method to check and convert the given amplitude parameters into the required format. """ h0_cosi = h0 is not None and cosi is not None aPlusCross = aPlus is not None and aCross is not None if h0_cosi == aPlusCross: raise ValueError("Need either (h0, cosi) or (aPlus, aCross), but not both") if h0_cosi: aPlus = 0.5 * h0 * (1 + cosi**2) aCross = h0 * cosi return aPlus, aCross return aPlus, aCross
[docs]class DetectorStates: """ Python interface to XLALGetMultiDetectorStates and XLALGetMultiDetectorStatesFromMultiSFTs. """ def __init__(self): self.ephems = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(*get_ephemeris_files())
[docs] def get_multi_detector_states( self, timestamps, Tsft, detectors=None, time_offset=None ): """ Parameters ---------- time_stamps: array-like or dict GPS timestamps at which detector states will be retrieved. If array, use the same set of timestamps for all detectors, which must be explicitly given by the user via `detectors`. If dictionary, each key should correspond to a valid detector name to be parsed by XLALParseMultiLALDetector and the associated value should be an array-like set of GPS timestamps for each individual detector. Tsft: float Timespan covered by each timestamp. It does not need to coincide with the separation between consecutive timestamps. detectors: list[str] or comma-separated string List of detectors to be parsed using XLALParseMultiLALDetector. Conflicts with dictionary of `time_stamps`, required otherwise. time_offset: float Timestamp offset to retrieve detector states. Defaults to LALSuite's default of using the central time of an STF (SFT's timestamp + Tsft/2). Returns ------- multi_detector_states: lalpulsar.MultiDetectorStateSeries Resulting multi-detector states produced by XLALGetMultiDetectorStates """ if time_offset is None: time_offset = 0.5 * Tsft self._parse_timestamps_and_detectors(timestamps, Tsft, detectors) return lalpulsar.GetMultiDetectorStates( self.multi_timestamps, self.multi_detector, self.ephems, time_offset, )
[docs] def get_multi_detector_states_from_sfts( self, sftfilepath, central_frequency, time_offset=None, frequency_wing_bins=1, sft_constraint=None, return_sfts=False, ): """ Parameters ---------- sftfilepath: str Path to SFT files in a format compatible with XLALSFTdataFind. central_frequency: float Frequency [Hz] around which SFT data will be retrieved. This option is only relevant if further information is to be retrieved from the SFTs (i.e. `return_sfts=True`). time_offset: float Timestamp offset to retrieve detector states. Defaults to LALSuite's default of using the central time of an STF (SFT's timestamp + Tsft/2). frequency_wing_bins: int Frequency bins around the central frequency to retrieve from SFT data. Bin size is determined using the SFT baseline time as obtained from the catalog. This option is only relevant if further information is to be retrieved from the SFTs (i.e. `return_sfts=True`). sft_constraint: lalpulsar.SFTConstraint Optional argument to specify further constraints in XLALSFTdataFind. return_sfts: bool If True, also return the loaded SFTs. This is useful to compute further quantities such as noise weights. Returns ------- multi_detector_states: lalpulsar.MultiDetectorStateSeries Resulting multi-detector states produced by XLALGetMultiDetectorStatesFromMultiSFTs multi_sfts: lalpulsar.MultiSFTVector Only if `return_sfts` is True. MultiSFTVector produced by XLALLoadMultiSFTs along the specified frequency band. """ # FIXME: Use MultiCatalogView once lalsuite implements the proper # SWIG wrapper around XLALLoadMultiSFTsFromView. sft_catalog = lalpulsar.SFTdataFind(sftfilepath, sft_constraint) df =[0].header.deltaF wing_Hz = df * frequency_wing_bins multi_sfts = lalpulsar.LoadMultiSFTs( sft_catalog, fMin=central_frequency - wing_Hz, fMax=central_frequency + wing_Hz, ) if time_offset is None: time_offset = 0.5 / df multi_detector_states = lalpulsar.GetMultiDetectorStatesFromMultiSFTs( multiSFTs=multi_sfts, edat=self.ephems, tOffset=time_offset ) if return_sfts: return multi_detector_states, multi_sfts else: return multi_detector_states
def _parse_timestamps_and_detectors(self, timestamps, Tsft, detectors): """ Checks consistency between timestamps and detectors. If `timestamps` is a dictionary, gets detector names from the keys and makes sure `detectors` is None. Otherwise, formats `detectors` into a list and makes sure `timestamps` is a 1D array containing numbers. """ if isinstance(timestamps, dict): if detectors is not None: raise ValueError("`timestamps`' keys are redundant with `detectors`. ") logging.debug("Retrieving detectors from timestamps dictionary.") detectors = list(timestamps.key()) timestamps = timestamps.values() elif detectors is not None: if isinstance(detectors, str): logging.debug("Converting `detectors` string to list") detectors = detectors.replace(" ", "").split(",") logging.debug("Checking integrity of `timestamps`") ts = np.array(timestamps) if ts.dtype == np.dtype("O") or ts.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("`timestamps` is not a 1D list of numerical values") timestamps = (ts for ifo in detectors) self.multi_detector = lalpulsar.MultiLALDetector() lalpulsar.ParseMultiLALDetector(self.multi_detector, detectors) self.multi_timestamps = lalpulsar.CreateMultiLIGOTimeGPSVector( self.multi_detector.length ) for ind, ts in enumerate(timestamps):[ind] = self._numpy_array_to_LIGOTimeGPSVector( ts, Tsft ) @staticmethod def _numpy_array_to_LIGOTimeGPSVector(numpy_array, Tsft=None): """ Maps a numpy array of floats into a LIGOTimeGPS array using `np.floor` to separate seconds and nanoseconds. """ if numpy_array.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( f"Time stamps array must be 1D: Current one has {numpy_array.ndim}." ) seconds_array = np.floor(numpy_array) nanoseconds_array = np.floor(1e9 * (numpy_array - seconds_array)) time_gps_vector = lalpulsar.CreateTimestampVector(numpy_array.shape[0]) for ind in range(time_gps_vector.length):[ind] = lal.LIGOTimeGPS( int(seconds_array[ind]), int(nanoseconds_array[ind]) ) time_gps_vector.deltaT = Tsft or 0 return time_gps_vector