Source code for pyfstat.grid_based_searches

"""PyFstat search classes using grid-based methods."""

import itertools
import logging
import os
import re
from collections import OrderedDict

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import pyfstat.helper_functions as helper_functions
from pyfstat.core import (

[docs]class GridSearch(BaseSearchClass): """A search evaluating the F-statistic over a regular grid in parameter space. This implements a simple 'square box' grid with fixed spacing and ranges in each dimension, i.e. for each parameter there's a simple 1D list of grid points and the total grid is just the Cartesian product of these. For N parameter space dimensions and a total of M points in the product grid, the basic output is a (N+1,M)-dimensional array with the detection statistic (twoF or log10BSGL) appended. NOTE: if a large number of grid points are used, checks against cached data may be slow as the array is loaded into memory. To avoid this, run with the `clean` option which uses a generator instead. Most parameters are the same as for the `core.ComputeFstat` class, only the additional ones are documented here: """ tex_labels = { "F0": r"$f$", "F1": r"$\dot{f}$", "F2": r"$\ddot{f}$", "Alpha": r"$\alpha$", "Delta": r"$\delta$", "twoF": r"$\widetilde{2\mathcal{F}}$", "log10BSGL": r"$\log_{10}\mathcal{B}_{\mathrm{SGL}}$", } """Formatted labels used for plot annotations.""" tex_labels0 = { "F0": r"$-f_0$", "F1": r"$-\dot{f}_0$", "F2": r"$-\ddot{f}_0$", "Alpha": r"$-\alpha_0$", "Delta": r"$-\delta_0$", } """Formatted labels used for annotating central values in plots.""" fmt_detstat = "%.9g" """Standard output precision for detection statistics.""" @helper_functions.initializer def __init__( self, label, outdir, sftfilepattern, F0s, F1s, F2s, Alphas, Deltas, tref=None, minStartTime=None, maxStartTime=None, nsegs=1, BSGL=False, minCoverFreq=None, maxCoverFreq=None, detectors=None, SSBprec=None, RngMedWindow=None, injectSources=None, input_arrays=False, assumeSqrtSX=None, earth_ephem=None, sun_ephem=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- label: str Output filenames will be constructed using this label. outdir: str Output directory. F0s, F1s, F2s, Alphas, Deltas: tuple A length 3 tuple describing the grid for each parameter, e.g [F0min, F0max, dF0]. Alternatively, for a fixed value simply give [F0]. Unless `input_arrays=True`, then these are the exact arrays to search over. nsegs: int Number of segments to split the data set into. If `nsegs=1`, the basic ComputeFstat class is used. If `nsegs>1`, the SemiCoherentSearch class is used. input_arrays: bool If true, use the F0s, F1s, etc as arrays just as they are given (do not interpret as 3-tuples of [min,max,step]). """ self._set_init_params_dict(locals()) os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) self.set_out_file() self.search_keys = ["F0", "F1", "F2", "Alpha", "Delta"] for k in self.search_keys: setattr(self, k, np.atleast_1d(getattr(self, k + "s"))) if self.BSGL: self.detstat = "log10BSGL" else: self.detstat = "twoF" self._initiate_search_object() self._set_output_keys() self.output_file_header = self.get_output_file_header() def _set_output_keys(self): self.output_keys = self.search_keys.copy() self.output_keys.append("twoF") if self.output_keys += [f"twoF{IFO}" for IFO in] if self.BSGL: self.output_keys.append(self.detstat) def _get_search_ranges(self): if (self.minCoverFreq is None) or (self.maxCoverFreq is None): return {key: getattr(self, key + "s") for key in self.search_keys} else: return None def _initiate_search_object(self):"Setting up search object") search_ranges = self._get_search_ranges() if self.nsegs == 1: = ComputeFstat( tref=self.tref, sftfilepattern=self.sftfilepattern, minCoverFreq=self.minCoverFreq, maxCoverFreq=self.maxCoverFreq, search_ranges=search_ranges, detectors=self.detectors, minStartTime=self.minStartTime, maxStartTime=self.maxStartTime, BSGL=self.BSGL, SSBprec=self.SSBprec, RngMedWindow=self.RngMedWindow, injectSources=self.injectSources, assumeSqrtSX=self.assumeSqrtSX, earth_ephem=self.earth_ephem, sun_ephem=self.sun_ephem, ) else: = SemiCoherentSearch( label=self.label, outdir=self.outdir, tref=self.tref, nsegs=self.nsegs, sftfilepattern=self.sftfilepattern, BSGL=self.BSGL, minStartTime=self.minStartTime, maxStartTime=self.maxStartTime, minCoverFreq=self.minCoverFreq, maxCoverFreq=self.maxCoverFreq, search_ranges=search_ranges, detectors=self.detectors, injectSources=self.injectSources, ) # make sure to overwrite the min/max starttime in case the user # passed None and they were read from SFTs self.minStartTime = self.maxStartTime = def _get_array_from_tuple(self, x): if len(x) == 1: return np.array(x) elif len(x) == 3 and self.input_arrays is False: # This used to be # return np.arange(x[0], x[1], x[2]) # but according to the numpy docs: # "When using a non-integer step, such as 0.1, # the results will often not be consistent. # It is better to use numpy.linspace for these cases." # and indeed it sometimes included the end point, sometimes didn't return np.linspace( x[0], x[1], num=int((x[1] - x[0]) / x[2]) + 1, endpoint=True ) else:"Using tuple of length {:d} as is.".format(len(x))) return np.array(x) def _get_input_data_array(self): """Set up an input data array, i.e. the product array over search dimensions. This is a numpy structured array with named columns and explicit dtype (cannot have named columns without that). (Will also ensure safety when reading/saving data from/to .txt files.) """"Generating input data array") coord_arrays = [] for sl in self.search_keys: coord_arrays.append( self._get_array_from_tuple(np.atleast_1d(getattr(self, sl))) ) self.coord_arrays = coord_arrays self.total_iterations =[len(ca) for ca in coord_arrays]) if args.clean is False: input_data = [] for vals in itertools.product(*coord_arrays): input_data.append(vals) input_dtype = np.dtype( { "names": self.search_keys, "formats": np.repeat(float, len(self.search_keys)), } ) self.input_data = np.array(input_data, dtype=input_dtype)
[docs] def check_old_data_is_okay_to_use(self): """Check if an existing output file matches this search and reuse the results. Results will be loaded from old output file, and no new search run, if all of the following checks pass: 1. Output file with matching name found in `outdir`. 2. Output file is not older than SFT files matching `sftfilepattern`. 3. Parameters string in file header matches current search setup. 4. Data in old file can be loaded successfully, its input parts (i.e. minus the detection statistic columns) matches in dimension with current grid, and the values in those input columns match with the current grid. Through `helper_functions.read_txt_file_with_header()`, the existing file is read in with `np.genfromtxt()`. """ if args.clean: return False if os.path.isfile(self.out_file) is False: "No old output file '{:s}' found, continuing with grid search.".format( self.out_file ) ) return False if self.sftfilepattern is not None: oldest_sft = min( [os.path.getmtime(f) for f in self._get_list_of_matching_sfts()] ) if os.path.getmtime(self.out_file) < oldest_sft: "Search output data outdates sft files," + " continuing with grid search." ) return False"Checking header of '{:s}'".format(self.out_file)) old_params_dict_str_list = ( helper_functions.read_parameters_dict_lines_from_file_header(self.out_file) ) new_params_dict_str_list = [ line.strip(" ") for line in self.pprint_init_params_dict()[1:-1] ] unmatched = np.setxor1d(old_params_dict_str_list, new_params_dict_str_list) if len(unmatched) > 0: "Parameters string in file header does not match" + " current search setup, continuing with grid search." ) return False else: "Parameters string in file header matches current search setup." )"Loading old data from '{:s}'.".format(self.out_file)) old_data = helper_functions.read_txt_file_with_header(self.out_file, names=True) if len(old_data) != len(self.input_data): "Old data found in '{:s}', but differs" " in length ({:d} points in file, {:d} points requested);" " continuing with grid search.".format( self.out_file, np.shape(old_data)[0], np.shape(self.input_data)[0] ) ) return False if len(old_data.dtype) < len(self.input_data.dtype): "Old data found in '{:s}', but has less columns ({:d})" " than new input parameters grid ({:d});" " continuing with grid search.".format( self.out_file, np.shape(old_data)[1], np.shape(self.input_data)[1] ) ) return False # not yet explicitly testing the case of # len(old_data.dtype) >= len(self.input_data.dtype) # because output file can have detstat and post-proc quantities # added and hence have different number of dimensions # (this could in principle be cleverly predicted at this point) # and the np.allclose() check should safely catch those situations rtol, atol = self._get_tolerance_from_savetxt_fmt() column_matches = [ np.allclose( old_data[key], self.input_data[key], rtol=rtol[key], atol=atol[key], ) for key in self.search_keys ] if np.all(column_matches): "Old data found in '{:s}' with matching input parameters grid," " no search performed. Data grid size: {:d}x{:d}".format( self.out_file, len(old_data), len(old_data.dtype) ) ) return old_data else: "Old data found in '{:s}', input parameters grid differs," " continuing with grid search.".format(self.out_file) ) return False return False
[docs] def run(self, return_data=False): """Execute the actual search over the full grid. This iterates over all points in the multi-dimensional product grid and the end result is either returned as a numpy array or saved to disk. Parameters ---------- return_data: boolean If true, the final inputs+outputs data set is returned as a numpy array. If false, it is saved to disk and nothing is returned. Returns ------- data: np.ndarray The final inputs+outputs data set. Only if `return_data=true`. """ self._get_input_data_array() if args.clean: iterable = itertools.product(*self.coord_arrays) else: old_data = self.check_old_data_is_okay_to_use() iterable = self.input_data if old_data is not False: = old_data return "Running search over a total of {:d} grid points...".format( np.shape(iterable)[0] ) ) output_dtype = np.dtype( { "names": self.output_keys, "formats": np.repeat(float, len(self.output_keys)), } ) data = np.zeros(len(self.input_data), dtype=output_dtype) for n, vals in enumerate( tqdm(iterable, total=getattr(self, "total_iterations", None)) ): thisCand = list(vals) detstat =*vals) thisCand.append( if thisCand += list([:]) if self.detstat != "twoF": thisCand.append(detstat) for k, key in enumerate(self.output_keys): data[key][n] = thisCand[k] if return_data: return data else: = data self.save_array_to_disk()
def _get_savetxt_fmt_dict(self): """Define the output precision for each parameter and computed quantity.""" fmt_dict = helper_functions.get_doppler_params_output_format(self.output_keys) fmt_dict["twoF"] = self.fmt_detstat if for IFO in fmt_dict[f"twoF{IFO}"] = self.fmt_detstat if self.BSGL: fmt_dict["log10BSGL"] = self.fmt_detstat return fmt_dict def _get_savetxt_fmt_list(self): """Returns a list of output format specifiers, ordered like the data. This is required because the output of _get_savetxt_fmt_dict() will depend on the order in which those entries have been coded up. """ fmt_dict = self._get_savetxt_fmt_dict() fmt_list = [fmt_dict[key] for key in self.output_keys] return fmt_list def _get_tolerance_from_savetxt_fmt(self): """Decide appropriate input grid comparison tolerances from fprintf formats.""" fmt = self._get_savetxt_fmt_dict() rtol = {} atol = {} for key, f in fmt.items(): if f.endswith("d"): rtol[key] = 0 atol[key] = 0 elif f.endswith("g"): precision = int(re.findall(r"\d+", f)[-1]) rtol[key] = 10 ** (1 - precision) atol[key] = 0 elif f.endswith("f"): decimals = int(re.findall(r"\d+", f)[-1]) rtol[key] = 0 atol[key] = 10**-decimals else: raise ValueError( "Cannot parse fprintf format '{:s}' to obtain recommended tolerance.".format( f ) ) return rtol, atol
[docs] def save_array_to_disk(self): """Save the results array to a txt file. This includes a header with version and parameters information. It should be flexible enough to be reused by child classes, as long as the `_get_savetxt_fmt_dict() method` is suitably overridden to account for any additional parameters. """"Saving data to {}".format(self.out_file)) header = "\n".join(self.output_file_header) header += "\n" + " ".join(self.output_keys) outfmt = self._get_savetxt_fmt_list() Ncols = len( if len(outfmt) != Ncols: raise RuntimeError( "Lengths of data rows ({:d})" " and output format ({:d})" " do not match." " If your search class uses different" " keys than the base GridSearch class," " override the _get_savetxt_fmt_dict" " method.".format(Ncols, len(outfmt)) ) np.savetxt( self.out_file, np.nan_to_num(, delimiter=" ", header=header, fmt=outfmt, )
def _convert_F0_to_mismatch(self, F0, F0hat, Tseg): DeltaF0 = F0[1] - F0[0] m_spacing = (np.pi * Tseg * DeltaF0) ** 2 / 12.0 N = len(F0) return np.arange(-N * m_spacing / 2.0, N * m_spacing / 2.0, m_spacing) def _convert_F1_to_mismatch(self, F1, F1hat, Tseg): DeltaF1 = F1[1] - F1[0] m_spacing = (np.pi * Tseg**2 * DeltaF1) ** 2 / 720.0 N = len(F1) return np.arange(-N * m_spacing / 2.0, N * m_spacing / 2.0, m_spacing) def _add_mismatch_to_ax(self, ax, x, y, xkey, ykey, xhat, yhat, Tseg): axX = ax.twiny() axX.zorder = -10 axY = ax.twinx() axY.zorder = -10 if xkey == "F0": m = self._convert_F0_to_mismatch(x, xhat, Tseg) axX.set_xlim(m[0], m[-1]) if ykey == "F1": m = self._convert_F1_to_mismatch(y, yhat, Tseg) axY.set_ylim(m[0], m[-1])
[docs] def plot_1D( self, xkey, ax=None, x0=None, xrescale=1, savefig=True, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, agg_chunksize=None, ): """Make a plot of the detection statistic over a single grid dimension. Parameters ---------- xkey: str The name of the search parameter to plot against. ax: matplotlib.axes._subplots_AxesSubplot or None An optional pre-existing axes set to draw into. x0: float or None Plot x values relative to this central value. xrescale: float Rescale all x values by this factor. savefig : bool If true, save the figure in `self.outdir`. If false, return an axis object without saving to disk. xlabel: str or None Override default text label for the x-axis. ylabel: str or None Override default text label for the y-axis. agg_chunksize: int or None Set this to some high value to work around matplotlib 'Exceeded cell block limit' errors. Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.axes._subplots_AxesSubplot, optional The axes object containing the plot, only if `savefig=false`. """ if agg_chunksize: # FIXME: workaround for matplotlib "Exceeded cell block limit" errors plt.rcParams["agg.path.chunksize"] = agg_chunksize if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() # x = np.unique([xkey]) # this doesn't work for multi-dim searches! x =[xkey] if x0: x = x - x0 x = x * xrescale z =[self.detstat] ax.plot(x, z) if xlabel: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) elif x0: ax.set_xlabel(self.tex_labels[xkey] + self.tex_labels0[xkey]) else: ax.set_xlabel(self.tex_labels[xkey]) if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) else: ax.set_ylabel(self.tex_labels[self.detstat]) if savefig: fig.tight_layout() fname = "{}_1D_{}_{}.png".format(self.label, xkey, self.detstat) fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.outdir, fname)) plt.close(fig) else: return ax
[docs] def plot_2D( self, xkey, ykey, ax=None, savefig=True, vmin=None, vmax=None, add_mismatch=None, xN=None, yN=None, flat_keys=[], rel_flat_idxs=[], flatten_method=np.max, title=None, predicted_twoF=None, cm=None, cbarkwargs={}, x0=None, y0=None, colorbar=False, xrescale=1, yrescale=1, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, zlabel=None, ): """Plots the detection statistic over a 2D grid. FIXME: this will currently fail if the search went over >2 dimensions. Parameters ---------- xkey: str The name of the first search parameter to plot against. ykey: str The name of the second search parameter to plot against. ax: matplotlib.axes._subplots_AxesSubplot or None An optional pre-existing axes set to draw into. savefig: bool If true, save the figure in `self.outdir`. If false, return an axis object without saving to disk. vmin, vmax: float or None Cutoffs for rescaling the colormap. add_mismatch: tuple or None If given a tuple `(xhat, yhat, Tseg)`, add a secondary axis with the metric mismatch from the point `(xhat, yhat)` with duration `Tseg`. xN, yN: int or None Number of tick label intervals. flat_keys: list Keys to be used in flattening higher-dimensional arrays. rel_flat_idxs: list Indices to be used in flattening higher-dimensional arrays. flatten_method: numpy function Function to use in flattening the `flat_keys`, default: `np.max`. title: str or None Optional plot title text. predicted_twoF: float or None Expected/predicted value of twoF, used to rescale the z-axis. cm: matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap or None Override standard (viridis) colormap. cbarkwargs: dict Additional arguments for colorbar formatting. x0: float Plot x values relative to this central value. y0: float Plot y values relative to this central value. xrescale: float Rescale all x values by this factor. yrescale: float Rescale all y values by this factor. xlabel: str Override default text label for the x-axis. ylabel: str Override default text label for the y-axis. zlabel: str Override default text label for the z-axis. Returns ------- ax: matplotlib.axes._subplots_AxesSubplot, optional The axes object containing the plot, only if `savefig=false`. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() flat_idxs = [self.search_keys.index(k) for k in flat_keys] x = np.unique([xkey]) if x0: x = x - x0 y = np.unique([ykey]) if y0: y = y - y0 flat_vals = [np.unique([:, j]) for j in flat_idxs] z =[self.detstat] Y, X = np.meshgrid(y, x) shape = [len(x), len(y)] + [len(v) for v in flat_vals] Z = z.reshape(shape) if len(rel_flat_idxs) > 0: Z = flatten_method(Z, axis=tuple(rel_flat_idxs)) if predicted_twoF: Z = (predicted_twoF - Z) / (predicted_twoF + 4) if cm is None: cm = else: if cm is None: cm = pax = ax.pcolormesh( X * xrescale, Y * yrescale, Z, cmap=cm, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, shading="auto", ) if colorbar: cb = plt.colorbar(pax, ax=ax, **cbarkwargs) if zlabel: cb.set_label(zlabel) else: cb.set_label(self.tex_labels[self.detstat]) if add_mismatch: self.add_mismatch_to_ax(ax, x, y, xkey, ykey, *add_mismatch) if x[-1] > x[0]: ax.set_xlim(x[0] * xrescale, x[-1] * xrescale) if y[-1] > y[0]: ax.set_ylim(y[0] * yrescale, y[-1] * yrescale) if xlabel: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) elif x0: ax.set_xlabel(self.tex_labels[xkey] + self.tex_labels0[xkey]) else: ax.set_xlabel(self.tex_labels[xkey]) if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) elif y0: ax.set_ylabel(self.tex_labels[ykey] + self.tex_labels0[ykey]) else: ax.set_ylabel(self.tex_labels[ykey]) if title: ax.set_title(title) if xN: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(xN)) if yN: ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(yN)) if savefig: fig.tight_layout() fname = "{}_2D_{}_{}_{}.png".format(self.label, xkey, ykey, self.detstat) fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.outdir, fname)) else: return ax
[docs] def get_max_det_stat(self): """Get the maximum detection statistic over the grid. This requires the `run()` method to have been called before. Returns ------- d: dict Dictionary containing parameters and detection statistic at the maximum. """ idx = np.argmax([self.detstat]) d = OrderedDict([(key,[key][idx]) for key in self.output_keys]) return d
[docs] def get_max_twoF(self): """Get the maximum twoF over the grid. This requires the `run()` method to have been called before. Returns ------- d: dict Dictionary containing parameters and twoF value at the maximum. """ idx = np.argmax(["twoF"]) d = OrderedDict([(key,[key][idx]) for key in self.output_keys]) return d
[docs] def print_max_twoF(self): """Get and print the maximum twoF point over the grid. This prints out the full dictionary from `get_max_twoF()`, i.e. the maximum value and its corresponding parameters. """ d = self.get_max_twoF() print("Grid point with max(twoF) for {}:".format(self.label)) for k, v in d.items(): print(" {}={}".format(k, v))
[docs] def generate_loudest(self): """Use lalapps_ComputeFstatistic_v2 to produce a .loudest file""" max_params = self.get_max_twoF() max_params.pop("twoF") max_params = self.translate_keys_to_lal(max_params) self.loudest_file = helper_functions.generate_loudest_file( max_params=max_params, tref=self.tref, outdir=self.outdir, label=self.label, sftfilepattern=self.sftfilepattern, minStartTime=self.minStartTime, maxStartTime=self.maxStartTime, transientWindowType=getattr(self, "transientWindowType", None), earth_ephem=self.earth_ephem, sun_ephem=self.sun_ephem, )
[docs] def set_out_file(self, extra_label=None): """Set (or reset) the name of the main output file. File will always be stored in `self.outdir` and the base of the name be determined from `self.label` and other parts of the search setup, but this method allows to attach an `extra_label` bit if desired. Parameters ------- extra_label: str Additional text bit to be attached at the end of the filename (but before the extension). """ if self.detectors: dets = self.detectors.replace(",", "") else: dets = "NA" if extra_label: self.out_file = os.path.join( self.outdir, "{}_{}_{}_{}.txt".format( self.label, dets, type(self).__name__, extra_label ), ) else: self.out_file = os.path.join( self.outdir, "{}_{}_{}.txt".format(self.label, dets, type(self).__name__), )
[docs]class TransientGridSearch(GridSearch): """A search for transient CW-like signals using the F-statistic. This is based on the transient signal model and transient-F-stat algorithm from Prix, Giampanis & Messenger (PRD 84, 023007, 2011): The frequency evolution parameters are searched over in a grid just like in the normal `GridSearch`, then at each point the time-dependent 'atoms' are used to evaluate partial sums of the F-statistic over a 2D array in transient start times `t0` and duration parameters `tau`. The signal templates are modulated by a 'transient window function' which can be 1. `none` (standard, persistent CW signal) 2. `rect` (rectangular: constant amplitude within `[t0,t0+tau]`, zero outside) 3. `exp` (exponential decay over `[t0,t0+3*tau]`, zero outside) This class currently only supports fully-coherent searches (`nsegs=1` is hardcoded). Also see Keitel & Ashton (CQG 35, 205003, 2018): for a detailed discussion of the GPU implementation. Most parameters are the same as for `GridSearch` and the `core.ComputeFstat` class, only the additional ones are documented here: """ @helper_functions.initializer def __init__( self, label, outdir, sftfilepattern, F0s, F1s, F2s, Alphas, Deltas, tref=None, minStartTime=None, maxStartTime=None, BSGL=False, minCoverFreq=None, maxCoverFreq=None, detectors=None, SSBprec=None, RngMedWindow=None, injectSources=None, input_arrays=False, assumeSqrtSX=None, transientWindowType=None, t0Band=None, tauBand=None, tauMin=None, dt0=None, dtau=None, outputTransientFstatMap=False, outputAtoms=False, tCWFstatMapVersion="lal", cudaDeviceName=None, earth_ephem=None, sun_ephem=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- transientWindowType: str If `rect` or `exp`, allow for the Fstat to be computed over a transient range. (`none` instead of `None` explicitly calls the transient-window function, but with the full range, for debugging.) t0Band, tauBand: int Search ranges for transient start-time t0 and duration tau. If >0, search `t0` in `(minStartTime,minStartTime+t0Band)` and tau in `(tauMin,2*Tsft+tauBand)`. If =0, only compute the continuous-wave F-stat with `t0=minStartTime`, `tau=maxStartTime-minStartTime`. tauMin: int Minimum transient duration to cover, defaults to `2*Tsft`. dt0: int Grid resolution in transient start-time, defaults to `Tsft`. dtau: int Grid resolution in transient duration, defaults to `Tsft`. outputTransientFstatMap: bool If true, write additional output files for `(t0,tau)` F-stat maps. (One file for each grid point!) outputAtoms: bool If true, write additional output files for the F-stat `atoms`. (One file for each grid point!) tCWFstatMapVersion: str Choose between implementations of the transient F-statistic funcionality: standard `lal` implementation, `pycuda` for GPU version, and some others only for devel/debug. cudaDeviceName: str GPU name to be matched against drv.Device output, only for `tCWFstatMapVersion=pycuda`. """ self._set_init_params_dict(locals()) self.nsegs = 1 os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) self.set_out_file() self.search_keys = ["F0", "F1", "F2", "Alpha", "Delta"] for k in self.search_keys: setattr(self, k, np.atleast_1d(getattr(self, k + "s"))) if self.BSGL: self.detstat = "log10BSGL" else: self.detstat = "maxTwoF" self._initiate_search_object() self._set_output_keys() self.output_file_header = self.get_output_file_header() if self.outputTransientFstatMap: self.tCWfilebase = os.path.splitext(self.out_file)[0] + "_tCW_" "Will save per-Doppler Fstatmap" " results to {}*.dat".format(self.tCWfilebase) ) def _set_output_keys(self): self.output_keys = self.search_keys.copy() self.output_keys.append("twoF") if self.output_keys += [f"twoF{IFO}" for IFO in] self.output_keys.append("maxTwoF") if hasattr(, "twoFXatMaxTwoF"): self.output_keys += [ f"twoF{IFO}atMaxTwoF" for IFO in ] if self.detstat != "maxTwoF": self.output_keys.append(self.detstat) # for consistency below, t0/tau must come after detstat # they are not included in self.search_keys because the main Fstat # code does not loop over them self.output_keys += ["t0", "tau"] def _initiate_search_object(self):"Setting up search object") search_ranges = self._get_search_ranges() = ComputeFstat( tref=self.tref, sftfilepattern=self.sftfilepattern, minCoverFreq=self.minCoverFreq, maxCoverFreq=self.maxCoverFreq, search_ranges=search_ranges, detectors=self.detectors, transientWindowType=self.transientWindowType, t0Band=self.t0Band, tauBand=self.tauBand, tauMin=self.tauMin, dt0=self.dt0, dtau=self.dtau, minStartTime=self.minStartTime, maxStartTime=self.maxStartTime, BSGL=self.BSGL, SSBprec=self.SSBprec, RngMedWindow=self.RngMedWindow, injectSources=self.injectSources, assumeSqrtSX=self.assumeSqrtSX, tCWFstatMapVersion=self.tCWFstatMapVersion, cudaDeviceName=self.cudaDeviceName, computeAtoms=self.outputAtoms, earth_ephem=self.earth_ephem, sun_ephem=self.sun_ephem, ) # make sure to overwrite the min/max starttime in case the user # passed None and they were read from SFTs self.minStartTime = self.maxStartTime =
[docs] def run(self, return_data=False): """Execute the actual search over the full grid. This iterates over all points in the multi-dimensional product grid and the end result is either returned as a numpy array or saved to disk. If the `outputTransientFstatMap` or `outputAtoms` options have been set when initiating the search, additional files are written for each frequency-evolution parameter-space point ('Doppler' point). Parameters ---------- return_data: boolean If true, the final inputs+outputs data set is returned as a numpy array. If false, it is saved to disk and nothing is returned. Returns ------- data: np.ndarray The final inputs+outputs data set. Only if `return_data=true`. """ self._get_input_data_array() old_data = self.check_old_data_is_okay_to_use() if old_data is not False: = old_data return output_dtype = np.dtype( { "names": self.output_keys, "formats": np.repeat(float, len(self.output_keys)), } ) data = np.zeros(len(self.input_data), dtype=output_dtype) self.timingFstatMap = 0.0 "Running search over a total of {:d} grid points...".format( np.shape(self.input_data)[0] ) ) for n, vals in enumerate(tqdm(self.input_data)): thisCand = list(vals) detstat =*vals) windowRange = getattr(, "windowRange", None) self.timingFstatMap += getattr(, "timingFstatMap", 0.0) thisCand.append( if thisCand += list([:]) thisCand.append( if hasattr(, "twoFXatMaxTwoF"): thisCand += list([:]) if self.detstat != "maxTwoF": thisCand.append(detstat) if getattr(self, "transientWindowType", None): if not hasattr(, "FstatMap"): raise RuntimeError( "Since transientWindowType!=None, we expected to have a FstatMap." ) if self.outputTransientFstatMap: tCWfile = self.get_transient_fstat_map_filename(thisCand) tCWfile, windowRange, self.output_file_header ) maxidx = thisCand += [ windowRange.t0 + maxidx[0] * windowRange.dt0, windowRange.tau + maxidx[1] * windowRange.dtau, ] for k, key in enumerate(self.output_keys): data[key][n] = thisCand[k] if self.outputAtoms:[0]) "Total time spent computing transient F-stat maps: {:.2f}s".format( self.timingFstatMap ) ) if return_data: return data else: = data self.save_array_to_disk()
[docs] def get_transient_fstat_map_filename(self, param_point): """Filename convention for given grid point: freq_alpha_delta_f1dot_f2dot Parameters ---------- param_point: tuple, dict, list, np.void or np.ndarray A multi-dimensional parameter point. If not a type with named fields (e.g. a plain tuple or list), the order must match that of `self.output_keys`. Returns ------- f: str The constructed filename. """ fmt_keys = ["F0", "Alpha", "Delta", "F1", "F2"] fmt = "{:.16g}_{:.16g}_{:.16g}_{:.16g}_{:.16g}" if isinstance(param_point, tuple) or isinstance(param_point, np.void): param_point = list(param_point) if isinstance(param_point, dict): vals = [param_point[key] for key in fmt_keys] elif isinstance(param_point, list) or isinstance(param_point, np.ndarray): vals = [param_point[self.output_keys.index(key)] for key in fmt_keys] else: raise ValueError("param_point must be a dict, list, tuple or numpy array!") f = self.tCWfilebase + fmt.format(*vals) + ".dat" return f
def _get_savetxt_fmt_dict(self): """Define the output precision for each parameter and computed quantity.""" fmt_dict = helper_functions.get_doppler_params_output_format(self.output_keys) fmt_dict["twoF"] = self.fmt_detstat if for IFO in fmt_dict[f"twoF{IFO}"] = self.fmt_detstat fmt_dict["maxTwoF"] = self.fmt_detstat if hasattr(, "twoFXatMaxTwoF"): for IFO in fmt_dict[f"twoF{IFO}atMaxTwoF"] = self.fmt_detstat if self.detstat != "maxTwoF": fmt_dict[self.detstat] = self.fmt_detstat fmt_dict["t0"] = "%d" fmt_dict["tau"] = "%d" return fmt_dict def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, "search"):
[docs]class SliceGridSearch(DefunctClass): last_supported_version = "1.9.0"
[docs]class GridUniformPriorSearch(DefunctClass): last_supported_version = "1.9.0"
[docs]class GridGlitchSearch(GridSearch): """A grid search using the `SemiCoherentGlitchSearch` class. This implements a basic semi-coherent F-stat search in which the data is divided into segments either side of the proposed glitch epochs and the fully-coherent F-stat in each segment is summed to give the semi-coherent F-stat. This class currently only works for a single glitch in the observing time. """ @helper_functions.initializer def __init__( self, label, outdir="data", sftfilepattern=None, F0s=[0], F1s=[0], F2s=[0], delta_F0s=[0], delta_F1s=[0], tglitchs=None, Alphas=[0], Deltas=[0], tref=None, minStartTime=None, maxStartTime=None, minCoverFreq=None, maxCoverFreq=None, detectors=None, earth_ephem=None, sun_ephem=None, ): """ Most parameters are the same as for `GridSearch` and the `core.SemiCoherentGlitchSearch` class, only the additional ones are documented here: Parameters ---------- delta_F0s: tuple A length 3 tuple describing the grid of frequency jumps, or just `[delta_F0]` for a fixed value. delta_F1s: tuple A length 3 tuple describing the grid of spindown parameter jumps, or just `[delta_F1]` for a fixed value. tglitchs: tuple A length 3 tuple describing the grid of glitch epochs, or just `[tglitch]` for a fixed value. These are relative time offsets, referenced to zero at `minStartTime`. """ self._set_init_params_dict(locals()) os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) self.set_out_file() self.BSGL = False self.input_arrays = False if tglitchs is None: raise ValueError("You must specify `tglitchs`") self.search_keys = [ "F0", "F1", "F2", "Alpha", "Delta", "delta_F0", "delta_F1", "tglitch", ] for k in self.search_keys: setattr(self, k, np.atleast_1d(getattr(self, k + "s"))) self.detstat = "twoF" self._initiate_search_object() self._set_output_keys() self.output_file_header = self.get_output_file_header() def _initiate_search_object(self):"Setting up search object") search_ranges = self._get_search_ranges() = SemiCoherentGlitchSearch( label=self.label, outdir=self.outdir, sftfilepattern=self.sftfilepattern, tref=self.tref, minStartTime=self.minStartTime, maxStartTime=self.maxStartTime, minCoverFreq=self.minCoverFreq, maxCoverFreq=self.maxCoverFreq, search_ranges=search_ranges, BSGL=self.BSGL, earth_ephem=self.earth_ephem, sun_ephem=self.sun_ephem, ) def _get_savetxt_fmt_dict(self): """Define the output precision for each parameter and computed quantity.""" fmt_dict = helper_functions.get_doppler_params_output_format(self.output_keys) fmt_dict["delta_F0"] = "%.16g" fmt_dict["delta_F1"] = "%.16g" fmt_dict["tglitch"] = "%d" fmt_dict[self.detstat] = self.fmt_detstat return fmt_dict
[docs]class SlidingWindow(DefunctClass): last_supported_version = "1.9.0"
[docs]class FrequencySlidingWindow(DefunctClass): last_supported_version = "1.9.0"
[docs]class EarthTest(DefunctClass): last_supported_version = "1.9.0"
[docs]class DMoff_NO_SPIN(DefunctClass): last_supported_version = "1.9.0"