Compute a spectrogram

Compute the spectrogram of a set of SFTs. This is useful to produce visualizations of the Doppler modulation of a CW signal.

 9 import os
10 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
12 import pyfstat
14 # not github-action compatible
15 # plt.rcParams[""] = "serif"
16 # plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 18
17 # plt.rcParams["text.usetex"] = True
19 label = "PyFstat_example_spectrogram"
20 outdir = os.path.join("PyFstat_example_data", label)
22 depth = 5
24 data_parameters = {
25     "sqrtSX": 1e-23,
26     "tstart": 1000000000,
27     "duration": 2 * 365 * 86400,
28     "detectors": "H1",
29     "Tsft": 1800,
30 }
32 signal_parameters = {
33     "F0": 100.0,
34     "F1": 0,
35     "F2": 0,
36     "Alpha": 0.0,
37     "Delta": 0.5,
38     "tp": data_parameters["tstart"],
39     "asini": 25.0,
40     "period": 50 * 86400,
41     "tref": data_parameters["tstart"],
42     "h0": data_parameters["sqrtSX"] / depth,
43     "cosi": 1.0,
44 }
46 # making data
47 data = pyfstat.BinaryModulatedWriter(
48     label=label, outdir=outdir, **data_parameters, **signal_parameters
49 )
50 data.make_data()
52 print("Loading SFT data and computing normalized power...")
53 times, freqs, sft_data = pyfstat.helper_functions.get_sft_array(data.sftfilepath)
54 normalized_power = (
55     2 * sft_data**2 / (data_parameters["Tsft"] * data_parameters["sqrtSX"] ** 2)
56 )
58 plotfile = os.path.join(outdir, label + ".png")
59 print(f"Plotting to file: {plotfile}")
60 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(0.8 * 16, 0.8 * 9))
61 ax.grid(which="both")
62 ax.set(xlabel="Time [days]", ylabel="Frequency [Hz]", ylim=(99.98, 100.02))
63 c = ax.pcolormesh(
64     (times - times[0]) / 86400,
65     freqs,
66     normalized_power,
67     cmap="inferno_r",
68     shading="nearest",
69 )
70 fig.colorbar(c, label="Normalized Power")
71 plt.tight_layout()
72 fig.savefig(plotfile)

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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