Software injection into pre-existing data files

Add a software injection into a set of SFTs.

In this case, the set of SFTs is generated using Makefakedata_v5, but the same procedure can be applied to any other set of SFTs (including real detector data).

 12 import os
 14 import numpy as np
 16 import pyfstat
 18 label = "PyFstatExampleInjectionIntoNoiseSFTs"
 19 outdir = os.path.join("PyFstat_example_data", label)
 20 logger = pyfstat.set_up_logger(label=label, outdir=outdir)
 22 tstart = 1269734418
 23 duration_Tsft = 100
 24 Tsft = 1800
 25 randSeed = 69420
 26 IFO = "H1"
 27 h0 = 1000
 28 cosi = 0
 29 F0 = 30
 30 Alpha = 0
 31 Delta = 0
 33 Band = 2.0
 35 # create sfts with a strong signal in them
 36 # window options are optional here
 37 noise_and_signal_writer = pyfstat.Writer(
 38     label="PyFstatTestSFTsNoiseAndSignal",
 39     outdir=outdir,
 40     h0=h0,
 41     cosi=cosi,
 42     F0=F0,
 43     Alpha=Alpha,
 44     Delta=Delta,
 45     tstart=tstart,
 46     duration=duration_Tsft * Tsft,
 47     Tsft=Tsft,
 48     Band=Band,
 49     detectors=IFO,
 50     randSeed=randSeed,
 51     SFTWindowType="tukey",
 52     SFTWindowParam=0.001,
 53 )
 54 noise_and_signal_writer.make_data()
 56 # compute Fstat
 57 coherent_search = pyfstat.ComputeFstat(
 58     tref=noise_and_signal_writer.tref,
 59     sftfilepattern=noise_and_signal_writer.sftfilepath,
 60     minCoverFreq=-0.5,
 61     maxCoverFreq=-0.5,
 62 )
 63 FS_1 = coherent_search.get_fullycoherent_twoF(
 64     noise_and_signal_writer.F0,
 65     noise_and_signal_writer.F1,
 66     noise_and_signal_writer.F2,
 67     noise_and_signal_writer.Alpha,
 68     noise_and_signal_writer.Delta,
 69 )
 71 # create noise sfts
 72 # window options are again optional for this step
 73 noise_writer = pyfstat.Writer(
 74     label="PyFstatTestSFTsOnlyNoise",
 75     outdir=outdir,
 76     h0=0,
 77     F0=F0,
 78     tstart=tstart,
 79     duration=duration_Tsft * Tsft,
 80     Tsft=Tsft,
 81     Band=Band,
 82     detectors=IFO,
 83     randSeed=randSeed,
 84     SFTWindowType="tukey",
 85     SFTWindowParam=0.001,
 86 )
 87 noise_writer.make_data()
 89 # then inject a strong signal
 90 # window options *must* match those previously used for the noiseSFTs
 91 add_signal_writer = pyfstat.Writer(
 92     label="PyFstatTestSFTsWithAddedSignal",
 93     outdir=outdir,
 94     F0=F0,
 95     Alpha=Alpha,
 96     Delta=Delta,
 97     h0=h0,
 98     cosi=cosi,
 99     tstart=tstart,
100     duration=duration_Tsft * Tsft,
101     Tsft=Tsft,
102     Band=Band,
103     detectors=IFO,
104     sqrtSX=0,
105     noiseSFTs=noise_writer.sftfilepath,
106     SFTWindowType="tukey",
107     SFTWindowParam=0.001,
108 )
109 add_signal_writer.make_data()
111 # compute Fstat
112 coherent_search = pyfstat.ComputeFstat(
113     tref=add_signal_writer.tref,
114     sftfilepattern=add_signal_writer.sftfilepath,
115     minCoverFreq=-0.5,
116     maxCoverFreq=-0.5,
117 )
118 FS_2 = coherent_search.get_fullycoherent_twoF(
119     add_signal_writer.F0,
120     add_signal_writer.F1,
121     add_signal_writer.F2,
122     add_signal_writer.Alpha,
123     add_signal_writer.Delta,
124 )
126"Base case Fstat: {}".format(FS_1))
127"Noise + Signal Fstat: {}".format(FS_2))
128"Relative Difference: {}".format(np.abs(FS_2 - FS_1) / FS_1))

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