Source code for pyfstat.optimal_setup_functions


Provides functions to aid in calculating the optimal setup for zoom follow up


import logging

import lal
import lalpulsar
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize

import pyfstat.utils as utils

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_optimal_setup( NstarMax, Nsegs0, tref, minStartTime, maxStartTime, prior, detector_names ): """Using an optimisation step, calculate the optimal setup ladder The details of the methods are described in Sec Va of arXiv:1802.05450. Here we provide implementation details. All equation numbers refer to arXiv:1802.05450. Parameters ---------- NstarMax : float The ratio of the size at the old coherence time to the new coherence time for each step, see Eq. (31). Larger values allow a more rapid "zoom" of the search space at the cost of convergence. Smaller values are more conservative at the cost of additional computing time. The exact choice should be optimized for the problem in hand, but values of 100-1000 are typically okay. Nsegs0 : int The number of segments for the initial step of the ladder tref, minStartTime, maxStartTime : int GPS times of the reference, start, and end time. prior : dict Prior dictionary, each item must either be a fixed scalar value, or a uniform prior. detector_names : list or str Names of the detectors to use Returns ------- nsegs, Nstar : list Ladder of segment numbers and the corresponding Nstar """ "Calculating optimal setup for NstarMax={}, Nsegs0={}".format(NstarMax, Nsegs0) ) Nstar_0 = get_Nstar_estimate( Nsegs0, tref, minStartTime, maxStartTime, prior, detector_names )"Stage {}, nsegs={}, Nstar={}".format(0, Nsegs0, int(Nstar_0))) nsegs_vals = [Nsegs0] Nstar_vals = [Nstar_0] i = 0 nsegs_i = Nsegs0 while nsegs_i > 1: nsegs_i, Nstar_i = _get_nsegs_ip1( nsegs_i, NstarMax, tref, minStartTime, maxStartTime, prior, detector_names ) nsegs_vals.append(nsegs_i) Nstar_vals.append(Nstar_i) i += 1"Stage {}, nsegs={}, Nstar={}".format(i, nsegs_i, int(Nstar_i))) return nsegs_vals, Nstar_vals
def _get_nsegs_ip1( nsegs_i, NstarMax, tref, minStartTime, maxStartTime, prior, detector_names ): """Calculate Nsegs_{i+1} given Nsegs_{i} Perform the optimization step to calculate nsegs and i+1 given the setup and i. The "Powell" minimiization method from scipy is used. Below, we give help for parameters unique to _get_nsegs_ip1, for help with other parameters see get_optimal_setup Parameters ---------- nsegs_i: int The number of segments at step i Returns ------- nsegs_ip1: int The number of segments at i + 1 Raises ------ ValueError: Optimisation unsuccesful A value error is raised if the optimization step fails """ log10NstarMax = np.log10(NstarMax) log10Nstari = np.log10( get_Nstar_estimate( nsegs_i, tref, minStartTime, maxStartTime, prior, detector_names ) ) def f(nsegs_ip1): if nsegs_ip1[0] > nsegs_i: return 1e6 if nsegs_ip1[0] < 0: return 1e6 nsegs_ip1 = int(nsegs_ip1[0]) if nsegs_ip1 == 0: nsegs_ip1 = 1 Nstarip1 = get_Nstar_estimate( nsegs_ip1, tref, minStartTime, maxStartTime, prior, detector_names ) if Nstarip1 is None: return 1e6 else: log10Nstarip1 = np.log10(Nstarip1) return np.abs(log10Nstari + log10NstarMax - log10Nstarip1) res = scipy.optimize.minimize( f, 0.4 * nsegs_i, method="Powell", tol=1, options={"maxiter": 10} )"{} with {} evaluations".format(res["message"], res["nfev"])) nsegs_ip1 = int(res.x) if nsegs_ip1 == 0: nsegs_ip1 = 1 if res.success: return ( nsegs_ip1, get_Nstar_estimate( nsegs_ip1, tref, minStartTime, maxStartTime, prior, detector_names ), ) else: raise ValueError("Optimisation unsuccesful") def _extract_data_from_prior(prior): """Calculate the input data from the prior Parameters ---------- prior: dict Returns ------- p : ndarray Matrix with columns being the edges of the uniform bounding box spindowns : int The number of spindowns sky : bool If true, search includes the sky position fiducial_freq : float Fidicual frequency """ keys = ["Alpha", "Delta", "F0", "F1", "F2"] spindown_keys = keys[3:] sky_keys = keys[:2] lims = [] lims_keys = [] lims_idxs = [] for i, key in enumerate(keys): if isinstance(prior[key], dict): if prior[key]["type"] == "unif": lims.append([prior[key]["lower"], prior[key]["upper"]]) lims_keys.append(key) lims_idxs.append(i) else: raise ValueError( "Prior type {} not yet supported".format(prior[key]["type"]) ) elif key not in spindown_keys: lims.append([prior[key], 0]) lims = np.array(lims) lims_keys = np.array(lims_keys) base = lims[:, 0] p = [base] for i in lims_idxs: basex = base.copy() basex[i] = lims[i, 1] p.append(basex) spindowns = int(np.sum([np.sum(lims_keys == k) for k in spindown_keys])) sky = any([key in lims_keys for key in sky_keys]) if isinstance(prior["F0"], dict): fiducial_freq = prior["F0"]["upper"] else: fiducial_freq = prior["F0"] return np.array(p).T, spindowns, sky, fiducial_freq
[docs]def get_Nstar_estimate(nsegs, tref, minStartTime, maxStartTime, prior, detector_names): """Returns N* estimated from the super-sky metric Parameters ---------- nsegs : int Number of semi-coherent segments tref : int Reference time in GPS seconds minStartTime, maxStartTime : int Minimum and maximum SFT timestamps prior : dict The prior dictionary detector_names : array Array of detectors to average over Returns ------- Nstar: int The estimated approximate number of templates to cover the prior parameter space at a mismatch of unity, assuming the normalised thickness is unity. """ earth_ephem, sun_ephem = utils.get_ephemeris_files() in_phys, spindowns, sky, fiducial_freq = _extract_data_from_prior(prior) out_rssky = np.zeros(in_phys.shape) in_phys = utils.convert_array_to_gsl_matrix(in_phys) out_rssky = utils.convert_array_to_gsl_matrix(out_rssky) tboundaries = np.linspace(minStartTime, maxStartTime, nsegs + 1) ref_time = lal.LIGOTimeGPS(tref) segments = lal.SegListCreate() for j in range(len(tboundaries) - 1): seg = lal.SegCreate( lal.LIGOTimeGPS(tboundaries[j]), lal.LIGOTimeGPS(tboundaries[j + 1]), j ) lal.SegListAppend(segments, seg) detNames = lal.CreateStringVector(*detector_names) detectors = lalpulsar.MultiLALDetector() lalpulsar.ParseMultiLALDetector(detectors, detNames) detector_weights = None detector_motion = lalpulsar.DETMOTION_SPIN + lalpulsar.DETMOTION_ORBIT ephemeris = lalpulsar.InitBarycenter(earth_ephem, sun_ephem) try: SSkyMetric = lalpulsar.ComputeSuperskyMetrics( lalpulsar.SUPERSKY_METRIC_TYPE, spindowns, ref_time, segments, fiducial_freq, detectors, detector_weights, detector_motion, ephemeris, ) except RuntimeError as e: logger.warning("Encountered run-time error {}".format(e)) raise RuntimeError("Calculation of the SSkyMetric failed") if sky: i = 0 else: i = 2 lalpulsar.ConvertPhysicalToSuperskyPoints( out_rssky, in_phys, SSkyMetric.semi_rssky_transf ) d = g = g = g[i:, i:] # Remove sky if required parallelepiped = (d[i:, 1:].T - d[i:, 0]).T Nstars = [] for j in range(1, len(g) + 1): dV = np.abs(np.linalg.det(parallelepiped[:j, :j])) sqrtdetG = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.linalg.det(g[:j, :j]))) Nstars.append(sqrtdetG * dV) logger.debug( "Nstar for each dimension = {}".format( ", ".join(["{:1.1e}".format(n) for n in Nstars]) ) ) return np.max(Nstars)